Hampton University Merit-Based Scholarship 2023

Hampton University Merit-Based Scholarship 2023 – Hampton University is recognised for its excellent academic contribution. The institute is notable among black citizens of the United States of America. Hampton University is an excellent university that offers students several scholarships to help reduce the burden of finance.

One of the scholarships offered at the school is the Hampton University Scholarship, which is available for international and local students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. In the institute, these scholarships come as either full Scholarships or partial scholarships.

If you are a freshmen students or returning student at Hampton University, there is a scholarship designed for you. In other, Hampton University for various individuals to meet their needs. Some of them are Merit Scholarship, The Character Scholarship, Room Scholarship, and the Legacy Scholarship.

Merit Scholarship is one of the known scholarships at the University. We will discuss Merit-Based Scholarship in this article.

Hampton University

Hampton University is a notable school that has gained ground in the world of African Americans. The population of the school is 90 per cent black and the remaining white. The institute is located in the city of Hampton, Virginia.

The University is a private, historically black research institute that was formerly referred to as the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute from the year 1868 to 1930. From 1930 to 1984, the institute was referred to as the Hampton Institute. While in later years, the school is referred to as Hampton University.

It was actually established in 1861. The school has had 161 years of existence, providing excellent academic work. The institute is known for its various academic excellence in the area of Computer Science and Engineering.

Hampton University runs several programmes, and over 90 programmes are open for study. It has fifty undergraduate programmes, twenty-five master’s degrees and nine doctorate programmes, two professional programmes, and ten certificate programmes. Hampton University has ten Schools, and they are: 

  • School of Engineering and Technology.
  • School of Pharmacy.
  • School of Nursing.
  • School of Science.
  • University College.
  • College of Virginia Beach.
  • Graduate College.
  • School of Liberal Arts and Education.
  • James T. George School of Business.
  • Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communication.

Hampton University is located in Hampton, Virginia. The school is a high research institute. Hampton University houses over 16 research facilities. It is a school with prestigious records. Hampton University Museum is one of the oldest black museums in the United States.

If you are looking for a school in Virginia, Hampton University is a great option. Also, the school was ranked among the best Universities in the United States and the globe. In a recent ranking, the  US News and World Report ranked the school 219 at the National level.

Hampton University is a great institute for students to pursue a brighter career. To get more information about Hampton University, you can visit this link.

Hampton University Merit-Based Scholarship

Among the various scholarships made available for students of the school, Hampton University  Merit-Based Scholarship is one of the best scholarships available for students.

The Hampton University Merit-Based Scholarship is an award offered to students with academic excellence. This scholarship is an outstanding scholarship offered to freshmen students. The scholarship rate is around $5,000 to $25,000 per academic year.

To be considered for this scholarship, the student will have a minimum 1000 SAT or ACT composite score of 22. 

Requirements For Hampton University Merit-Based Scholarship

There are other requirements for students to meet to be qualified. It includes:

  • The Student must be an undergraduate student enrolled in the school as first year or returning student.
  • The student must have a cumulative 3.30-grade point average by the end of the spring semester.
  • The student must be a student studying in Virginia, whether international or local student.

Hampton University Merit-Based scholarship is a renewable scholarship for three academic years.

Application Process For Hampton University Merit-Based Scholarship

To apply for the Hampton University Merit-Based Scholarship, the student will either be returning student or a new student. The application is available on the school portal. You will have to log in and follow the instruction.

Meanwhile, some things are needed to complete the registration, and they are:

  • Application.
  • Test Score.
  • Easy.
  • Recommendations and References.
  • Transcript.

As stated earlier, there are other scholarships available for students of the school. These scholarship has been listed above. To find more information on these scholarships, you can visit this link.

Admission Requirements For International Freshman Students

As an international student, if you wish to apply to study at the school. You must fulfil the requirements.

  • The Prospective student will provide the Official High School Transcript.
  • The Prospective student will submit a minimum of 500 words essay on the topic character.
  • The Prospective student will pay an application fee of $50, which is non-refundable.
  • The prospective student will submit a letter of recommendation from your high school guidance, counsellor or a high school teacher.
  • The prospective student will submit a standardised test (SAT or ACT).
  • Then the prospective student will have to complete an Online application.

You can also visit the Hampton University portal for more information about the school application process.


Some universities see the need to support students with financial support, as there are students who will barely complete their education because of their low financial status. Scholarships are available for undergraduates and graduates.  Hampton University is a private university that supports students with various scholarships.

One of the best scholarships available for undergraduate students is the Hampton University Merit-Based Scholarships. The scholarship is available for freshmen students and returning students. The scholarship is worth $5,000 to $25,000 per academic session. 


  • Usnews.com: Hampton University.
  • Wikipedia.org: Hampton University.
  • Hamptonu.edu: Hampton University Scholarship.
  • Petersons.com: Hampton University Merit-Based Scholarship.


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